
KYC checklist for Partnership Firm

Required documents for Partnership Firm

  1. Non Individual KYC Form

  2. FATCA Form

  3. PAN Copy

  4. Address proof (6 months Bank Statement or Light Bill)

  5. Partnership Deed

  6. Balance sheet for last 2 financial years (profit & loss)

  7. List of Authorised Signatories on letter head

  8. Board resolution on letter head

  9. Certificate of Incorporation

Required details
  • Date of Commencement of business

  • Place of Incorporation

  • TIN/GST Registration number

  • Mobile Number

  • Email ID

  • Gross Annual Income

  • Net worth as on 31-03-2022

Note : All documents of company should be signed & stamped as per Board resolution

Required documents for each Partner

  1. KYC Form

  2. Fatca Form

  3. PAN Copy

  4. Address proof

Details required for each Partner

  1. Maiden name (for female Partner name only)

  2. Mother Name

  3. Passport size photo

  4. Email ID

  5. Mobile Number

  6. Annual Income

  7. Place of Birth

  8. Occupation details

Note : Documents should be self attested

For Investment through BSEStar

  1. AOF (Signature & Stamp)

  2. Mandate (Signature & Stamp)

  3. Firm Cheque Copy

  4. Amount Cheque in favour of "Indian Clearing Corporation Limited"

Last updated

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